ALAT course syllabus (download)
The WBAALAS ALAT Certification Study Course is a 16-week, paced course conducted fully online (on-demand option available).
LAT course syllabus (download)
The WBAALAS LAT Certification Study Course is a 7-week, paced course conducted fully online (on-demand option available).
LATG course syllabus
The WBAALAS LATG Certification Study Course is fully on-demand, fully online.
WBAALAS Learning Portal instructions (orientation video)
Send an email to [email protected] to set-up a portal account.
Participants access course resources, assignments, videos, and tests from the branch Learning Portal. Progress is also tracked through the portal and reports are available upon request.
Course Overview:
These certification study courses are designed based on the needs and feedback of our local technicians and facility managers.
In addition to the learning objectives listed in the Training Manuals these courses:
- Create a safe, supportive, and convenient environment for learning
- Provide individualized feedback through the use of weekly assignments
- Present test-taking strategies, via micro-learning, to improve exam readiness
- Provide weekly quizzes to reinforce knowledge areas
- Provide timed unit examinations to verify comprehension of the exam knowledge areas
- Guide participants through the certification exam application and scheduling process
- Provide a timed final examination to assess readiness to sit for the certification exam
- Offer additional support from volunteer instructors/tutors as needed