Washington Branch AALAS Bylaws

WBAALAS is a 501(c)3 organization.

The operation of the Branch is governed by the WBAALAS Bylaws

WBAALAS Bylaws – Approved 03-21-2024

Information on your Board of Directors

Branch Board Members:

Voting Positions

  1. President [President Elect transfers to President during 2nd year]
  2. President-Elect [elected and serves during first year of three year term]
  3. Past-President [President transfers to Past President during 3rd year]
  4. Secretary [elected, 2-year term]
  5. Treasurer [elected, 2-year term]
  6. Technician Branch Representative  [elected, 2 year term]
  7. Board Member 1 [elected, 2 year term]
  8. Board Member 2 [elected, 2 year term]
  9. Board Member 3 [elected, 2 year term]

Non-voting Positions

  1. Program Chairs [appointed committee leader, usually for specific branch events]
  2. Newsletter [Newsletter editor per bylaws, committee coordinates branch newsletters]
  3. Awards Chair [appointed committee leader, committee coordinates branch awards]
  4. Webmaster/IT [appointed committee leader, committee coordinates branch website and other technology]
  5. Nominations and Elections Chair [appointed committee leader, committee coordinates branch elections]
  6. Membership Chair [Secretary per bylaws, committee solicits members, prepares membership reports, collects delinquent dues]