February 2014

February 2014 Featured Image

Cindy P. Awarded Lifetime Membership

At our recent member event, Cindy P, DVM, was honored to be awarded Lifetime Membership. Cindy has served as President of the Washington Branch as well as AALAS National, and has been the Program Chair of many successful Trade Fairs throughout the years. Cindy’s ongoing contribution in improving the lives of research animals is much appreciated. The following is Cindy’s response:

Sincere and humble thanks for the honor you bestowed upon me last night. I was surprised and flattered by the accolades. And it was freaky to see myself in a video on a REALLY BIG SCREEN! (memo to self: thank parents for investing in my orthodontic work). Anything I’ve been involved with for WBAALAS has been fun, so I’ve enjoyed the journey, and hope to keep being a part of this group. It’s icing on the cake to receive recognition for doing something that you love. Again, many thanks, I feel all warm and fuzzy. And I will treasure the delightul, um, what do I call it– Memento? Award sculpture?

With sincere gratitude,

